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5 oct. 20171 min de lecture
"Un rdv d'Octobre" directed by Eric Lamy
Sophie Venecia Reyes plays Sasha's main role. #actress #sophieveneciareyes #mainrole #films #paris #lightandcity #ericlamy #shooting #movie
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5 oct. 20171 min de lecture
"Les fleurs du mal" directed by Nicolas Xavier
Sophie Venecia Reyes plays Elisabeth's main role. #actress #sophieveneciareyes #movie #lesfleursdumal #acting #shotting #mainrole...
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10 sept. 20171 min de lecture
"La Bohémienne" directed by Nicolas Xavier
Sophie Venecia Reyes plays La bohemienne's main role. #actress #labohemienne #sophieveneciareyes #films #shooting #mainrole #acting #movie
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